Home Care & CHSP: News, opinion and analysis
Expert Advice for Delivering Standard 1 - The Person
We summarise the key takeaways from the Briefing on Standard 1 - The Person and include our experts top tips.
NDIS Quality Learnings for Home Care & CHSP
Roland details learnings as an ex aged care CEO and recent years working with the NDIS. We think it will give HCP and CHSP providers a head start on the new Standards.
Tips for starting on the New Quality Standards
We all know the new standards are coming (and quickly!). Anna Millicer gives providers some practical tips on where they could start with the New Quality Standards.
‘Tis the seasons to be … emergency and disaster prepared
Summer’s in full swing. Now’s the time to look at the emergency plans you have in place for older Australian’s and your organisation. See our useful resources.
New legislation a potential game-changer for contractors
Rob explores how the government’s proposed Closing the Loopholes legislation will impact providers, including looking at the potential changes for platform providers and to the definition of a casual employee.
Hot Topic: Protection of People’s Private Information
Roland & Paula explore the proposed new Commonwealth Privacy Act and how managers can avoid being caught up in a privacy breach.
Do in-home and community based aged care workers need to be vaccinated for COVID-19?
There’s no longer a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for in-home and community aged care workers. But what does this mean for providers in terms of obligations and risk?
Workplace Health and Safety Changes
There have been some big regulation changes in relation to psychosocial safety in the workplace. If you are an aged care provider that employs people, these changes affect you and your organisation.