Home Care & CHSP: News, opinion and analysis
Care Management - WTFH?
In the absence of government direction, Roland argues it's Care Managers that need to lead practice.
Home Care Headwinds
Roland Naufal argues home care is the poor cousin in Australian public policy.
Consumer Contributions: Unfair or Simply Unsustainable?
Prof. Kathy Eagar challenges the push for increased user pays in aged care. She argues it won't work and calls for a Medicare-style approach.
Vet Affairs vs HCP Outcomes?
A recent University of Sydney analysis compared the outcomes for over 65 year olds using Home Care Packages (HCPs) versus those accessing Veterans’ Affairs Community Nursing (VCN). Read the outcome here!
Having difficult conversations with consumers
Fatigue. Demands. Reluctance. Anna Millicer provides some helpful tips on how to appropriately and sensitively have difficult conversations with consumers.
Aged Care Market Failure
Paul Sadler argues that market forces are not working for home care.
Taskforce Report - What it means for Home Care
Media coverage hardly mentions what the just released Taskforce recommendations mean for home care funding. Paul and Roland have done the work of finding out what it means for our sector.
Expert Advice for Delivering Standard 1 - The Person
We summarise the key takeaways from the Briefing on Standard 1 - The Person and include our experts top tips.
NDIS Quality Learnings for Home Care & CHSP
Roland details learnings as an ex aged care CEO and recent years working with the NDIS. We think it will give HCP and CHSP providers a head start on the new Standards.
Tips for starting on the New Quality Standards
We all know the new standards are coming (and quickly!). Anna Millicer gives providers some practical tips on where they could start with the New Quality Standards.
2024 in a nutshell
Paul provides a quick overview of the big-ticket items for HCP & CHSP providers in 2024.
A foot in both camps
Roland Naufal discusses the often-forgotten hurdle facing SaH providers. Meeting the needs of the current generation of older clients while adapting to boomer demand is a major challenge for managers, staff and systems.
T’was the night before (a Support at Home) Christmas
Roland’s wry take on things that should’ve, but didn’t, happen.
What you need to know: Aged Care Act Exposure Draft & Support at Home program
Paul Sadler and Roland Naufal break the news on the just released Aged Care Exposure Draft and what it means for Support at Home providers.
Reform Update - what happened and what’s next?
Paul Sadler and Roland Naufal unpack the progress of the aged care reforms and tell us what still needs to get done.
‘Tis the seasons to be … emergency and disaster prepared
Summer’s in full swing. Now’s the time to look at the emergency plans you have in place for older Australian’s and your organisation. See our useful resources.