Home Care & CHSP: News, opinion and analysis
Has Support at Home forgotten about Dementia?
Anna is searching for answers as to why we aren't talking about Dementia in Support at Home.
Success in Support at Home
Prepare for the big year ahead with Roland's outline of the key success factors for Support at Home.
T’was the night before a SaH Christmas 2024
An annual Christmas poem from Invox - Merry Christmas to all.
New Home Mods Scheme Falls Short
Steve Pretzel argues the home mods cap will push many older people into resi care.
CHSP - the Poor Cousin’s Getting Poorer
Paul shows how the government's approach to CHSP funding has led to a reduction in services for older Australians in need.
It’s Time to Change Support at Home
Roland highlights concerns from the SaH Free Briefing and says there will never be a better time to call for change
Limited Support at Home
Lynsey sadly highlights that you have to be dying to get the level of support at home that would keep many older people out of resi care
Rabbits in the SaH headlights
Roland responds to concerns that raising the issue of cuts to Care Management is ‘scaremongering’.
Big questions about Support at Home
Lynsey McDonnell, CFO at Avivo asks a couple of big questions about the incoming Support at Home program.
Business Thinking in Home Care
Roland asks how we can become more business-like and still be true to our values in home care.
Care Management - WTFH?
In the absence of government direction, Roland argues it's Care Managers that need to lead practice.
Home Care Headwinds
Roland Naufal argues home care is the poor cousin in Australian public policy.
Aged Care Market Failure
Paul Sadler argues that market forces are not working for home care.