Roland Naufal Roland Naufal

Anna Millicer

Anna Millicer

Get Smart Aged Care Consulting

Anna has spent the last 30 years in just about every area of the home care sector. With a foot firmly in both camps, she is great at aligning consumer and provider needs (no easy feat). Her relatable style for turning complex topics into consumer-friendly content have contributed to the success of her award-winning Home Care HQ newsletter.

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Rob Woolley Rob Woolley

Rob Woolley

Rob Woolley

Rob combines his curiosity with smarts and he just gobbles up detail. Rob is committed to sharing his knowledge with an endgame of people gaining greater control of their lives, and their supports. He used to be the owner-operator of a Support at Home provider (he still has the scars) and his experience of the highs and lows of provider life shines through. His experience includes direct support work, business development, policy roles, advocacy and consulting.

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Roland Naufal Roland Naufal

Roland Naufal

Roland Naufal

Roland has built (and at times threatened) his career by being outspoken about things that matter. He has over three decades of experience – from aged care CEO and Age Friendly Cities expert to the founder of DSC, Australia’s best known NDIS educators. This led him to ask the question: if radical honesty worked for Australia’s disability sector, then why not aged care, too? And here we are, folks.

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Paul Sadler Paul Sadler

Paul Sadler

Paul Sadler

Few people have as much experience in the aged care sector as Paul. 35 years, to be exact. He’s been a national and state CEO of aged care industry associations, CEO of a major aged care provider, and influencer of ageing policy, disability and community care programs for both national and state governments. He actually enjoys staying on top of the detail and is always ready to share his wisdom and insights (which comes in kind of handy).

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Roland Naufal Roland Naufal

Matt Hart

Matt Hart

Every business needs a spreadsheet enthusiast. Around here, that’s Matt. He’s spent 13 years working in the community service sector, has a post grad qualification in finance, and has a whole bunch of experience as a business manager. He’s the guy who pulls all the pieces together and keeps us all in line (thank you, Matt).

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Roland Naufal Roland Naufal

Maia Thomas

Maia Thomas

The creative engine behind DSC’s podcasts and virtual conferences. If you ask our team to describe Maia in producer mode, most will use the word “boss”. We really care about our production values and that’s why we love Maia’s work. We think you will, too.

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Paula Spencer Paula Spencer

Paula Spencer

Paula Spencer

Paula knows her way around a risk matrix. She’s an expert in writing policies, frameworks, procedures, and training material that’s tailored to the frontline and ticks all the right boxes. She eats compliance complexity for breakfast and brings it back simple so that we can digest it (bet you wondered where this bio was going).

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Sam Rankin Sam Rankin

Sam Rankin

Sam Rankin

A sass-mouthed writer with a knack for turning complex topics into human language. Sam gets Invox, and that’s pretty lucky, because Invox has got Sam. Her value is self-explanatory in our copy, we think.

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