Lynsey McDonnell

Lynsey McDonnell

Lynsey is a Chartered Accountant with over twenty years’ strategic and operational leadership experience across community services, health, media, professional and financial services. She combines financial and commercial expertise with pragmatism and heart. With a belief in transparency and collaboration, she's hopeful that the sector is getting better at working together to achieve positive systemic change.

Roland Naufal

Roland’s three decades of disability experience and insistence on doing things better have earned him a reputation as independent and outspoken. He is known for finding hidden business opportunities and providing insights into the things that matter in disability. Roland worked extensively on disability deinstitutionalisation in the early 90's and has lectured on the politics and history of disability. From 2012-2014, he consulted on NDIS design for the National Disability & Carer Alliance and was the winner of the 2002 Harvard Club Disability Fellowship. Roland has held leadership roles in some of Australia’s best known disability organisations and is now one of Australia’s most knowledgeable NDIS consultants and trainers.


Roland Naufal & Matt Hart


Kathy Eagar